Theme Engine Documentation

How to use dynamic CSS compiled by server?

ContentAir Designer Tools support LESS CSS dynamic stylesheet language. This allows you to use variables and functions in your CSS. Defining commonly-used colours, borders, shades, etc. only once and using variables where they are needed significantly reduces coding time on large CSS stylesheets. And when you need to change border styles or colour palette, you need to change one value only. You can learn more here.

Before finalizing a theme, our server will compile and optimize the user-side CSS. If there are LESS CSS functions, they are identified and parsed automatically. Then a file content is trimmed to reduce file size. This improves your site performance, while your CSS development version stays in the original form.

You can have any format of spacing, line-breaking and commenting inside your CSS code to feel comfortable while developing. For distribution ContentAir will compile an optimized version of it.